The node can collect, process and transmit data of gas concentration, CO concentration, temperature and humidity of underground working face by microcontroller and wireless transmission module. 该节点通过微控制器和无线传输模块实时采集、处理、传输井下工作面的瓦斯浓度、CO浓度、温度、湿度等数据。
Results The murine local lymph node assay was more simple and useful than Buehler test in testing substance allergenicity, and the murine local lymph node assay could detect more lower chemical allergenicity concentration. 结果小鼠局部淋巴结免疫化学方法在评价化学物致敏性方面比豚鼠局部封闭涂皮试验法简单、实用,可检测的化学物浓度较低。
The permeability of intestinal mucosa membrane, positive rate of mesenteric lymph node bacterial cultures and portal venous lipopolysaccharide ( LPS) concentration were higher in control group than in experimental group. 对照组肠黏膜通透性、肠系膜淋巴结肠道菌属培养阳性率及门静脉血内毒素均明显高于实验组。
A combustible gas detector based on CAN bus is introduced. The hardware structure of CAN bus intelligent node is given. The combustible gas concentration measurement by software method is described. 介绍了基于CAN总线的可燃气体探测系统成,给出了CAN总线智能节点的硬件构成及浓度检测的软件实现方法。
The NODE can be solved by F-expansion, which can be thought of as a generalization or concentration of the Jacobi elliptic function expansion method. 因这里的F-代表每一个Jacobi椭圆函数,所以F-展开法可以看作是Jacobi椭圆函数展开方法的概括或浓缩。
The basic medium, choice of node petiole explants, plant growth regulator concentration and variety all affected the induction of somatic embryos and the regeneration of adventitious buds. 结果表明,体胚的诱导和不定芽的再生与基本培养基、叶柄的着生部位、生长调节物质种类和浓度等因素有关。
Lymph node No. ② Carboplatin concentration by cannulation chemotherapy in periaortic lymph node and pelvic lymph node were significantly higher than that of by intraperitoneal chemotherapy. N1主要集中在No.②腹主动脉旁插管腹膜后化疗组腹膜后淋巴结内药物浓度高于腹腔化疗组。
The gas concentration signal is collected by sensors of terminal node and transported to coordinator through router, and then get to PC monitoring software by protocol translation module to realize the real-time monitoring of gas concentration. 利用终端节点的传感器采集到瓦斯浓度信号,经由路由器节点传输到协调器接点,通过协调器节点转换到以太网上送达到上位机监控软件,完成瓦斯浓度的实时监控。
PC monitor interface is written by VB6.0 software, receipt and show each node of network show the concentration of data, draw Real-time rendering of each node in the relevant concentration curves. 上位机应用VB6.0进行编写,主要完成显示网络中各个节点的浓度数据接收、实时绘制各个节点的相关浓度曲线和上位机报警。
The terminal node of the home real-timely gets leaked gas concentration, and sends the data to the higher level routing node or the central coordinator. 家庭中的终端节点实时采集泄露气体的浓度,把节点数据发送给上级路由节点或者直接发送给中心协调器。